Start Simple
This is simple yet elegant one page template for Startups and Small Businesses. It has been built with Bootstrap and is easy to edit and customize. The design is completely responsive and displays perfectly on every screen size and responds well to window size changes.
This startup landing page template features a large header with full width image background and has parallax effects upon scrolling. The header has large typography to feature your product/service description and a call to action button along with e-mail input.
Included in the landing page are sections to showcase your work as well as user testimonial in an animated slider. You can easily change the text as well as image of these testimonials.
A working contact form is also included along with a section to add your contact address, e-mail and telephone number. The contact form utilizes free service offered by Formspree. Sign up for a free account with them, create a form with your email address and change the URL of the form in the HTML. You will start receiving contact form submissions without needing any backend or email service provider.
Template Features
Modern Design
Build your website with this modern design template. Coupled with beautiful fonts and a layout optimized for every screen size, it is time for your website to be professional.
Parallax Scrolling Effect
Header has a large image background with parallax scrolling effect to enhance the look of the template. You can easily change this image to something else.
Built with Bootstrap
We have used Bootstrap framework to build the template which makes it responsive as well as easy to customize and extend.
Working Contact Form
We have included a working contact form which works without any server side code, thanks to the free service offered by Formspree.
Easy to Understand Code
The template has an easy to understand and lightweight code which you can modify to suit your own needs.
Free Download
Use this template for free in personal sites by keeping the credit link in footer. Or, buy a license to use it without credit or for commercial purpose.
The template has been built using Bootstrap framework. We are using Oxygen font in this website template. We have sourced images from Pixabay. Design of the template is inspired from Arkenea by Prashant Dwivedi. If you like this template, please don't forget to share!